Tuesday, September 27, 2016

德國 樂高樂園 一個大小朋友都開心的遊樂園! 行前須知篇 Legoland Germany

2016年暑假歐洲行 - 德國 樂高樂園 行前須知篇 2016年7月31日

Legoland Deutschland, Günzburg, Germany 德國樂高樂園大門口

說到樂高, 沒有人不知道. 而樂高樂園更是讓全世界的樂高迷為之瘋狂 ~~ 全世界第一座的樂高樂園在樂高的發源地 - 丹麥 Billund 1968 年開幕. 現在全世界總共有7座樂高樂園, 預計2017年4月在日本 Nagoya 將開幕第8座樂高樂園. 國人最熟悉的當然就是2012年開幕的, 位於馬來西亞的樂高樂園了. 

這次我們因為到比利時去找我們家老爺, 當然還有免不了的, 每年的萬里長征 - 從比利時開車到克羅埃西亞我婆婆家. 路程的安排上, 當然就把我們家2小一直很想去的德國樂高樂園安排進去了~~

Legoland Germany location on google map 

德國的樂高樂園位於巴伐利亞州的 Günzburg, 2002年開幕. 它的地理位置位於斯圖加和慕尼黑的中間, 約1個小時的車程. 為了當天有充分的時間盡情的玩, 我們前一晚住在斯圖加的郊區, 早上趕在10點開門的時候抵達. 認識我們的朋友就會知道, 我們旅遊一向隨興, 雖然預計10點到, 想當然耳, 我們沒有準時在10點抵達. 到的時候, 已經有相當多的遊客進園了. 最近歐洲因為恐怖攻擊的關係, 每個地方都加強了安檢. 所以在入園時, 是要檢查背包及袋子的喔!

歐洲的遊樂園都有網路訂票的服務, 而且常常會有優惠, 例如:早鳥優惠, 網路購票優惠, 家庭票, 暑假優惠等等. 所以, 想去歐洲旅遊時, 建議可以先上網看一下有沒有優惠價格. 基本上是越早訂越便宜. (我們的樂園門票是和樂高樂園度假村住宿一起買的. 詳細細節在樂高度假村篇)

Legoland Germany entticket 樂高樂園門票價格
(Source: Legoland Germany official website 資料來源: 德國樂高樂園官網) 

以目前的樂高樂園票價為例. 單人票價分3種: 

1. 出發 6 天前訂, 不分大人小孩, 每人 31.50 歐元
2. 出發 2-6 天內訂, 不分大人小孩, 每人 35.70 歐元
3. 出發當天現場購買或前一天訂, 大人 42 歐元, 小孩 37 歐元

所以, 網路訂票優惠, 早鳥票可以每人節省約 10.50 歐元, 折合台幣約 340-360 元之間. 同樣的優惠也適用於 4 人及 5 人的家庭優惠套票. 價格比單人票更優惠! 樂高樂園當然也提供年票, 可以全年無限次的進出樂高樂園.

Legoland Additional ticket overview 樂高樂園其他加購票種及價格 
(Source: Legoland Germany official website 資料來源: 德國樂高樂園官網)

進入樂高樂園, 除了門票要買之外, 停車票也是一定要買的. 停車費用每台小客車每次 6 歐元. 事先在網路購買費用跟現場付費是一樣的, 但是可以避免出園時跟大家排隊. 如果有住宿在樂高樂園渡假村的話, 樂園園區停車是免費的喔! 所以, 就不用加買停車票了. 如果已經買了也沒關係, 在樂園門口的購票窗口, 提供住宿證明, 就可以辦理退費了.

另外一種值得購買的票, 則是快速通關票 Express Pass. 快速通關票適合沒有時間, 費用不是問題的遊客. 它可以讓你不用跟著大家排隊, 直接安排搭乘各種遊樂設施. 但是不是所有的遊樂設施都適用快速通關喔! 快速通關票的費用也依照等待的時間而從 16-60 歐元不等.

餐飲套票則是提供園內餐飲套餐的優惠套票, 提供 4 人或是 5 人的套餐, 通常都會有主餐, 飲料, 冰淇淋, 咖啡等. 可以事先在網路購買, 然後在入園後左邊的年票櫃台, 兌換正式的餐卷本. 再拿這本餐卷本, 在園區內兌換餐點. 網路的餐飲套票會比現場購買便宜約 30% 左右.

The Legoland entry ticket received by email

在網路購買任何票券, 在付款完成之後, 系統會email 確認信件及票卷至你的預留電子信箱裡. 所有的票卷都要用 A4 白色紙張, 在入園前, 使用列表機列印出來. 才能憑紙本票卷入園或是兌換喔. 每一張票卷都有條碼, 在入園或是出園時, 掃過條碼就能進出了.

The legoland parking ticket 電子郵件收到的樂園停車票樣本

在歐洲的遊樂園, 通常都可以自己帶食物飲料進去的. 不是一定要買園區的餐飲. 所以, 看到很多當地人揹著大背包, 甚至拉著小拖車, 裡面裝滿食物, 飲料是很正常的. 我們當然也不能與眾不同, 準備了我們自己的午餐及飲料入園, 當然不可避免的, 還是會在園區買個冰淇淋或是其他的東西.

導航地址: LEGOLAND ALLEE, 89312 Günzburg, Germany
營業時間: 10am-6pm. 暑假期間會延長至晚上8點. 要去前最好先上網確認一下.
電話: +49 180 6 70075701
網址: https://www.legoland.de/en/
電子信箱: info@legoland.de
停車場: 有. 一天 6 歐元
接駁車: 有. 時間及班次隨季節性改變. 要去前需要先確認.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Major's family camping #8 MingChuan Elementary School, Sisters small eatery, Namasia Kaohsiung 18 July 2015

梅之家族第八露 民權國小, 姊妹小吃 那瑪夏 2015年7月18日

MingChuan Elementary School, Namasia Kaohsiung 那瑪夏鄉 民權國小

During this visit to Namasia, the guest house owners strongly recommended us to visit MingChuan Elementary School. I could not quite figure out why initially. Then I understood when we were there. The original Namasia MingChuan Elementary School was buried by the landslide after the Typhoon Morakot in 2009. It took 2.5 years with donations from Taiwan people and corporations to complete the rebuild of the school. Delta Electronics Foundation donated NT$500 million to rebuild the Namasia region with NT$150 million went to the school's reconstruction. 

The original Namasia MingChuan Elementary School 那瑪夏鄉 民權國小原址
The new Namasia MingChuan Elementary School Library building
那瑪夏鄉 民權國小新址 圖書館

The school 's new site was selected on the higher ground of the mountain area. During construction, some ancient culture relic was discovered. In order to preserve the area as a heritage site, the building was constructed lifting off the ground.

The front gate of the school building 那瑪夏 民權國小大門

What makes the school so special is that the entire school complex has received the highest level "Diamond Award" of Green Building Certificate issued by the Taiwan government. The school's design using many cleaver energy and water saving and lighting ideas, water recycling, LED lighting, solar panel and wind mill etc. The entire school has no air condition, except for the computer room and the library. It was amazing. and worthy a visit. However, in order to avoid the disruption to the children at school, the school is now closed to public.

On the way back home from Ningni Guest House, we visited Sisters small eatery. It is more like a local eating place, rather than a fancy restaurant.

Sisters small eatery 姊妹小吃
Sisters small eatery on google map

This is our 2nd time visited the place. We liked the food there. They serve some aboriginal food, some local dishes and mountain games. It is a nice little place where we can have some nice lunch before we head back to the city.

Sisters small eatery 姊妹小吃

Aboriginal dish named Hulu Hulu 原住民食物 "呼魯呼魯"

Sisters small eatery
Phone: 0983316370; 0912765817
Business hours: 9am - 9pm
Note: it is better to call to make sure it is open before visiting.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Major's family camping #8 Ningni Guest House, Namasia Kaohsiung 18 July 2015

梅之家族第八露 寧妮谷民宿 那瑪夏 2015年7月18日

Ningni Guest House, Namasia 寧妮谷民宿 那瑪夏
This is the 2nd time we visited Namasia this year. Having our last driving experience to Labiniya, I am very careful now in selecting the campsite as how remote it is. Ningni Guest House was picked because it is right next to the main road and it is easy to get to.

The scarred land after typhoon 颱風過後受創的土地
Ningni Guest House on google map

It is quite easy to get to Ningni Guest House from Kaohsiung. Follow highway No.10 to the end, take provincial highway no.29 until Jiaxian. Continuing provincial highway no.29 after passing xiaolin and Namasia senior high school. The big Ningni Guest House sign is on the right hand side of the provincial highway no.29. The Ningni Guest House front gate is on the left after the right turn from No.29 and follow the road. It takes 2 hours from Kaohsiung plus break time. 

Turn right on to the Ningni Guest House from highway no.29
The Ningni Guest House front gate is on the left
右轉後100公尺處, 位在左邊的大門

The entire campsite has 3 camping areas (Area A, B and C) and guest houses. Because the weather was not very good, we worried it is going to rain. Hence we set the tent on a concrete slate just under the big tree in Area C. At the end, this decision proofed to be right and wrong at the same time.

Ningni Guest House site map 寧妮谷營區圖
(Source: Nnigni Guest House Facebook page 資料來源: 寧妮谷粉絲頁)
Ningni campsite Area A 寧妮谷營區 A 區
Ningni campsite Area B (where the white cars parked) and pavilion
寧妮谷營區 B區 (白車停處) 和涼亭
Ningni campsite Area C 寧妮谷營區 C 區
A camp site view from inside out 從裡往外看營區圖

I do not normally take photos of toilet and shower facility. But I had to take some photos of the thoughtful facilities that the owner set up and provide.

a dressing area outside of the shower room 浴室外分開的梳妝室

big and clean shower room with shampoo and shower gel available
乾溼分離, 又大又乾淨的浴室. 還有提供沐浴洗髮精

The campsite also has a small pool for the kids in summer. Unfortunately, the kids were not interested this time when we were there. So they did not actually go in.

a small water pool for the kids in summer 給小朋友玩水的池子
We had a heavy thunder storm in the afternoon while we were out wondering around. By the time we came back, our tent on the concrete slate was fine. Because the camping Area C is on the lower ground and the rain was heavy, the water was not drained fast enough. Our gazebo was flooded with about 5cm of water inside. So at the end, we had to move most of things out and used the campsite's facility for cooking and eating.

So my advise is that if the bad weather is expected, do not camp on Area C. The better camp area will be Area A or B because they are actually on the higher ground. And if arrive earlier enough, you can use the pavilion for eating and cooking. Then there is no need to set up the gazebo.

Camping info sheet
Name: Ningni Guest House, Namasia Kaohsiung 寧妮谷民宿 高雄那瑪夏鄉
Altitude: 600m
Temperature in July with rain and at night: cool
Toilet and shower facility: available, clean. Hair dryer, toilet paper, shower gel and shampoo provided.
Electricity: available (need extension cable)
Need insect repellent: mosquito
Charge: NT$250/adult; NT$200/child; plus $150 per tent

Address: 高雄市那瑪夏區達卡努瓦里秀嶺巷183號
Phone: 0972-977-971 | 07-670-1087 林太太
Email: biung1984@gmail.com
Facebook: Ningni Guest House

Monday, May 18, 2015

Major's family Yilan trip part one, Longtan lake Jiaoxi Yilan 1-2 May 2015

梅之家族  宜蘭礁溪/三星小旅行  上集  龍潭湖, 宜蘭礁溪 2015年5月1-2日

Longtan Lake, Jiaoxi Township Yilan County  龍潭湖, 宜蘭礁溪

Yilan is a long way away from Kaohsiung. Last time we travel to Yilan, it took more than 7 hours driving. So we have not visited the place for years. This Yilan trip was organised by a group of friends and it was an over-night stay at Jiaoxi, Yilan. We took High Speed Rail to Taipei and then group bus to Jiaoxi via Hsuehshan Tunnel (snow mountain tunnel). Hsuehshan Tunnel is the longest tunnel in Taiwan, located on the Taipei-Yilan Freeway no 5. The opening of the number 5 freeway and the tunnel in 2006 has shorten the travelling time between Taipei and Yilan from 2.5 hours to one hour. However, it is also because of the convenience of travelling via the highway and tunnel, this road is always jammed up on the weekend and holidays. So the easy one hour drive often becomes three hours drive due to traffic jam. By the time we arrived at Jiaoxi, it was right on time for lunch at 福哥石窯雞 Full Go roast chicken of stone kiln.

Full Go roast chicken of stone kiln, Jiaoxi Yilan  福哥石窯雞, 宜蘭礁溪

The only reason I put this place in the blog is because their stone kiln chicken is highly recommended! After walked into the front gate of the restaurant, there is the delicious smell of roasting chicken came out from those stone kilns.

stone kilns used to cook chicken 煮雞的石窯

Each one of the stone kiln cooks 12 chicken. The chicken is slow cooked using the heat inside the kiln. After 40 mins of slow cooking, every chicken is crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside. It was delicious! I have been thinking about it and I will definitely go back there to taste it again.

stone kiln chicken, highly recommended!! 太好吃的石窯雞!! 

After lunch, we did some business visits which I will not mentioned here. Then we headed to Longton Lake. Longton lake is the largest lake in the Yilan area. It is a beautiful lake and I think it will be a good walk around the lake if it was not raining. Shops next to the entrance provide bicycle rental serves which will also be a good way to take in the beauty scenery.

Longton Lake, Jiaoxi Yilan 龍潭湖, 礁溪宜蘭

We did not stay long at the lake due to the rain. So we headed back to the hotel. Jiaoxi is a famous township in Yilan county for it's hot spring. Chuang-tang Spring Spa Hotel is where we stayed that night. From the outside of the hotel front, it is actually hard to see that the hotel has more than 28000 square foot outdoor hot spring facilities on the ground level. It has 11 different scented hot spring baths completed with kids pool, adult spa pool, fish foot-eating pool, steam rooms, stone slates resting ground and a pool side bar. The kids and I had a great time there in the bath, going from one bath to the next. It is a place where people can just relax and enjoy.

The hotel outdoor hot spring area is open to both the hotel guests and outside visitors with a small fee. Wearing swim suit and cap is required when using the outdoor spa area. The hotel also provides private hot spring suite for guests who prefer more intimate experience. The hotel room is spacious with our own hot spring bathtub. Here we had a good night rest and ready for our next day adventure in Yilan Sanxing township.

Hotel information
Chuang-tang Spring Spa Hotel 川湯春天溫泉飯店
Address: No.43 Deyand Rd, Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262 Taiwan
Phone: +886-3-9889-889
Email: chuang.tanghtl@msa.hinet.net
website: http://www.chuang-tang.com.tw/e_spring/hot_spa.htm

Chuang-tang Spring Spa Hotel location map 川湯春天溫泉飯店位置圖

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Major's family camping #1 Shuangliou National Forest Recreation Area, PingTung 28 Feb 2015

梅之家族第一露 下集  雙流森林遊樂區 2015年2月28日

Shuangliou National Forest Recreation Area, PingTung 雙流森林遊樂區, 屏東

On the return of our first camping trip in Syuhai, we stopped by Shuangliou National Forest Recreation Area. It was quite easy to get to from our campsite at Syuhai, just follow the main road no 199 and drive for 30 mins.

Shuangliou National Forest Recreation Area, PingTung 雙流森林遊樂區, 屏東

"This area ranges from 150 to 700 meters above sea level, spans 1596 hectares, and has a mean annual temperature of 21 ºC. Although the area is situated in a tropical climate zone, there is usually a cool breeze due to the dense forest and numerous rivers. This is one of the best low-elevation forest bathing areas in southern Taiwan." -- source: Taiwan Forest Recreation website by Taiwan Forestry Bureau.

map 地圖

The weather was very hot on that day when we visited. Oliver did not want to do the walk. He is never a big fan of hiking.

The kids did well making the 7 km walk! 2個小朋友很棒的走完 7 km.

So I told him that he can play in the waterfall at the end of our walk. He was really excited and kept him going. When we arrived at the waterfall, it was fenced off and we could not get close to it, not to mentioned playing in it.

Final resting area at the waterfall. Isabel was happy to make it there!
終點瀑布區休息! Isabel 很開心她終於可以休息了!

Oliver was so disappointed and he did not want to walk back. So I told him again that he can play in one of the river bed on the way back to the car. At the end, I think playing in the water with lots of fishes swimming and nipping at their feet was the highlight of their walk!

Kids finally in the water! 終於玩到水了!

The walk is 3.5 km one way and it took us 3 hours to complete it. It was a long walk and difficult for me and the kids. But we made it! Victor enjoyed the walk a lot and he kept saying he will come back to the area on his bike! But I don't think the bike is allowed in the protected national forest!

Shuangliou National Forest Recreation Area
Entrance fee: NT$100/adult; NT$50/child + $100/car
Opening time: 08:00 - 17:00 daily

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Major's family camping #1 Juda campsite, Syuhai PingTung 28 Feb 2015

梅之家族第一露 九大露營區 屏東旭海 2015年2月28日

Juda campsite, Syuhai PingTung  九大露營區 旭海屏東

I have been refusing to go camping after we moved back to Taiwan simply because my impression of camping was back at my high school days (and that was many many years ago!) - dirty toilet and shower (or no shower facility at all), hard to sleep on the ground, noisy, bugs and scary! It took me a long time to find the courage and go camping again after knowing that the camping nowadays are much more civilized and the campsite facilities are much better. Victor was scared that without a good night sleep, he will end up with a cranky wife. So on our first camping trip, I actually stayed in the room on the campsite, not in the tent with the kids and Victor.

The whole camping thing starts with my college classmate organizing a gathering. We did not want to stay indoor with the kids and husbands feeling bored and playing phones while we girls chatting away happily. Someone suggested camping and I felt it may be a good start for my family. We could give it a try. So we did.

Juda campsite on google map

Juda campsite is located in Syuhai, Mudan township PingTung county. It was quite easy to get there. Follow google map on the road to Kenting, then turn left towards TaiTung on Nanhui road. 

Turn right here at the border of TaiTung and PingTung county

Make a right turn at the border of TaiTung and PingTung county onto county road no 199 like the photo above. Make a left turn at Mudan township onto 199Ja road. The campsite is on the right after passing Syuhai public hot spring bath. It took at least 3.5 hours from Kaohsiung including lunch and toilet break for us.

First time putting up our tent 第一次搭帳篷

By the time we get there, it was nearly 2pm. First thing the kids and Victor set out to do is to get the tent up. He did not want me to be around. So I left him with the kids helping him. They took 2 hours to get it done! wola!

yes! the tent is up!! after 2 hours of hard work! 2 個小時之後, 帳篷終於搭起來了! 哈!

I was relaxing and chatting while the kids and Victor were working hard! hahaha

After some resting and before it gets too dark, we drove up to Syuhai Grassland Recreation Area which is about 10 mins drive. It was on the east shire of Taiwan looking out to Pacific ocean. This grassland is one of the top spot to watch sun rise in Taiwan. It takes 40 mins to stroll through the grassland trail. Fresh air, great view, easy walk and good time.

Syuhai Grassland Recreation Area, Mudan township PingTung 旭海大草原, 屏東牡丹鄉

me and my friends~~ 我和以前專科的同學

Juda campsite is a comfortable campsite with a lot of grass area and tree, easy to get to, well equip facility although we did not actually use it because we went to the nearby Syuhai hot spring after dinner. The campsite is good when the weather is not too hot. The onsite rooms are not recommended though. It was over-priced for what it is. As for the Syuhai public hot spring, it is ok - not very clean, a bit crowed, but ok. In the future, we may go back to Syuhai area again but try different campsite and visit the famous beach around there. One thing for sure, we have had many camping trips organised after this one because everyone of us really had a great time there!

Campsite info sheet
Name: Juda campsite, Syuhai, Mudan township PingTung county.
Altitude: sea level
Temperature in Feb: cool at night. light jacket and blanket for evening.
Toilet and shower facility: available
Electricity: available (need long extension cable)
Charge: NT$300/tent; NT$500/tent+gazebo

Address: 屏東縣牡丹鄉旭海路1-16號
Phone: 08-8830196; 0910950196

Syuhai Grassland Recreation Area
Entrance fee: NT$10/motorcycle; NT$40/car; NT$100/bus
Opening time: 08:00 - 17:00

Syuhai Grassland Recreation Area 旭海大草原

Syuhai hot spring
Entrance fee: public bath area NT$100/person; NT$50/concession
Opening time: 12:30 - 21:30 Mon-Sat; 8:00 - 17:00 Sun

Syuhai hotspring 旭海溫泉

Other related post
Major's family camping #1 Shuangliou National Forest Recreation Area, PingTung 28 Feb 2015